Seeking Blog
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An Open Letter from Brandon Wade: My Response to New App Store Policies
On July 28, 2021, Google announced some content policy updates for its Google Play Store. These updates were specifically to restrict any applications that encouraged “compensated sexual relationships” from being featured on the company’s app store. Following the announcement, a number of media outlets reported on Google’s new policies, which will be effective on September…
Tips for Taking the Best Dating Profile Pics
Online dating is great because dating profile pics give you a glimpse into someone’s life and a hint of who they are before you even meet them in person. Though just as you’re excited to peek, your potential dates are also looking at your dating profile pics—and learning more about you based on what you…
Seeking Joins with Freedom Light to Combat Human Trafficking
Online dating is the norm for singles today. As more and more people look for relationships on dating apps, Seeking continues to strengthen its commitment to fight human trafficking and create a safe space for our community. We are pleased to announce our partnership with Freedom Light, an organization that empowers businesses on a mission…