Reporting an inappropriate member is highly encouraged and available to all Seeking users.  If you are having a conversation with another member and they ask you for personal banking information, use derogatory language or send unsolicited private photos it may be time to consider reporting them. Seeking takes user reports very seriously and wants to be notified of any inappropriate activity taking place on the site.

How To Report:

To report a member look for this icon at the bottom of your message thread:

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Once you click “Report Member” you will be able to provide details regarding the incident.

What Happens Next:

Once you file a report, Seeking’s support team will investigate the matter thoroughly. If the report is deemed accurate the offending member’s account will be immediately suspended.

Please keep in mind that reporting a member should only be used for serious offenses. A report should not be filed simply because a member was rude to you. If you receive a rude message it is best to block the member. When you block someone, they will no longer be able to contact you using the site and they will no longer be able to view your profile.

Remember: If a user has threatened or committed an act of violence, please contact your local law enforcement agency and report the member.

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