Seeking Blog

  • Couple who stopped being comfortable and started Dating Up

    4 Reasons to Stop Being Comfortable and Start Dating Up™

    After the last couple of years, “comfort” has been somewhat of a novelty, am I right? From being stuck at home wondering if we really would run out of TP, to watching the Oscars turn into WWE, we’ve been subjected to some pretty harsh realities. It’s no wonder we have quietly retreated to routines and…

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  • 5 Things Successful Daters Do

    5 Things Successful Daters Do

    There are certain things successful daters do to make it appear as though they have mastered the art of dating. They attract quality partners, share incredible adventures, and always have a reserved table at the hottest new restaurants in town. But, how do they do it? Is it better luck or good looks? Not necessarily. …

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  • Identifying an Online Dating Red Flag

    Online Dating Red Flags – 10 Behaviors To Look Out For

    When you meet someone in real life, social cues help you form a first impression of them. But when you connect online, it’s not always easy to read the person on the other side of the screen. To help you date more safely, our team has curated a list of 10 online dating red flags that…

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