Emma Hathorn
Blog posts from author
Emma Hathorn

8 Tips on Curating an Insta-worthy Life
In the digital age, social media platforms like Instagram have transformed the way we present ourselves to the world. With carefully curated images and snappy captions, users strive to showcase a life that is filled with visual appeal and induces envy with its glamor. From…

8 Lessons I Learned From Dating a High-Powered Attorney
A few faces come to mind when we imagine what it must be like to date a lawyer— from the sleaze of Saul Goodman to the sharp wit of Harvey Specter. We think of the high-powered corporate lifestyle, the fast-talking, NDA-delivering, and of course, all…

6 Reasons To Date An Entrepreneur
Name. Age. Occupation. These are the first three identifiers we are offered when getting to know someone new. But how much can these three things really tell us about a person’s character? You might be surprised how much you can learn from this little amount…

International Dating: A Seeking Case Study
In a fast-paced world where success often comes at the expense of personal connections, finding love, and time to engage with and meet new people outside of your office can seem like an elusive pursuit. This rings especially true for successful individuals like Jason, a…

Confessions of a Sapiosexual: Dating Case Studies
So, what is a Sapiosexual? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the meaning of “Sapiosexual” is of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to highly intelligent people. It’s the intersection between an intellectual connection, and an attraction to a mind that eclipses looks,…

Four Women You Should Date Before Remarrying
The end of a marriage can make you feel like an epic failure, but don’t worry, you’re in good company. Half of all marriages are doomed to end in divorce, so the odds were really stacked against you from the beginning. Now you have this…